call center

5 Secrets of Dealing with Angry Callers at Call Centers

dealing with angry callers

It’s quite common for call center agents to confront angry customers who are at their abusive best over unresolved issues. As a committed agent you do your best to reason with the irate customer, but nothing that you say helps ease the situation. The customer only gets more irritated, explodes with rage and swears never to associate with your business again.

Handling furious customers can be a tough task as it can put your patience to extreme test. Yes, it does take a lot of endurance to put up with the nonsense, but there is a positive side to it too. Such crude experience can serve as a great learning experience. Besides helping your company forge strong relationships with customers, pacifying angry customers can slowly teach you the art of building public relationship skills.

With this is mind we have highlighted a few specific tips and techniques that will help you to deal with angry customers.

1. Never Take It Personally
Yes, angry customers do take their frustration out on you, but that doesn’t mean you have to take things personally. This is because an abusive customer, knows well that you are not the one to be held responsible for the issue. Hence be calm and allow them to vent their anger. Once they let the steam off, they will be back to their normal selves and that’s when you can go all out to resolve their issues.

2. Never Argue Back
As a professional customer service specialist you can’t resort to arguments. Whenever the customer pins you down with harsh words, make sure that you maintain your integrity and never argue back. Be a better person, let them know that you understand their situation, and convey the message that being rude will only make matters worse. Ask them to calm down and put it straight that you are doing everything within your reach to resolve the issue.

3. Kill Them with Kindness
If the customer refuses to calm down even after repeated attempts try to kill their aggression with kindness. Be calm, polite, patient, honest, and show sympathy for their situation. You can also try to lighten the situation by sharing a story that they can relate to. All this effort is bound to bring the situation under control sooner rather than later.

4. Know When and How to Apologize
Never hesitate to apologize to your customer irrespective of whether the complaint is legitimate or not. After all it is matter of your survival, and if you don’t tender a sincere apology and are un-sympathetic towards customers’ issues, chances are that they will cut the ties with your brand forever. Also be cautious about the kind of the words and phrases you use to make sure that the apology that you render sounds as genuine as possible.

5. Solve the Problem
Once your angry customer lets off all the steam, try to probe him and gather as much information about the prevalent issue as possible. Next, analyze all the information and try to land upon a solution that satisfies all the concerned parties or else chances are that you wind up back at square one.

However, keep in mind that you are running a business and do not overcompensate the customer. Make sure that you arrive at a fair and justifiable solution that can be agreed upon by both the parties.

The Bottom-line

Handling angry callers is part of a call center job. Keep your cool; stay friendly, sympathetic, and positive; apologize for their inconvenience; and move things along as efficiently as possible, in order to resolve the issue to everyone’s satisfaction.

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