Chat Support

How Can Companies Improve Online Chat Support Services?

online chat support

The key component of any successful customer service strategy is the online chat support system. As opposed to calling up the customer care number and waiting for hours before getting connected with the service team, online chat support ensures a convenient and effective way for both to stay in touch. The chat function is integrated into business processes to improve the support experience. However, service representatives often find it difficult to communicate through multiple chat boxes simultaneously on their screens. Paying full 100% attention without any errors can be a daunting task thus prompting many companies to outsource live chat functions.

While it takes the load off the shoulders of in-house support staff, outsourced live chat support is a boon when it comes to handling high customer support volumes or there is a need for specialized representatives to resolve complexities associated with products or services sold. Besides, the right live chat support services help meet project requirements during peak and lean times, these services also allow enough space and time for businesses with other to focus on their core activities.

Key Features of Outsourced Chat Support

Live chat outsourcing is now preferred by many organizations owing to its inexpensiveness. Also, outsourced live chat is more effective compared with hiring in-house customer support agents and then training them. Industry surveys have revealed outsourced chat personnel responding to roughly 20 percent of visitors’ or customers’ questions with typically a couple of days’ training, thus, leaving the remaining to be handled by the in-house service representatives.

The employees at chat support companies are more adept at providing live chat support services on behalf of their client organizations, which enables them to deal with high volumes of incoming live chat requests.

Outsourced live chat operators are uni-functional as they remain focused on handling product and service queries as opposed to in-house employees whose efficiency is marred owing to multi-tasking.

In most cases, outsourced live chat support services are the first line of customer service to help customers and visitors calling to seek resolution of their problems or inquiring about product or service features. The chats are rerouted to internal chat support and on-role sales specialists only when the outsourced chat support group is unable to provide the necessary help.


How Outsourced Chat Support Can Enhance Business?

Whether you are gearing up your business to handle the big holiday rush or simply thinking of adding to the capacity of your services team, outsourcing helps. Instead of hiring resources and investing millions to simply train them, you can benefit from the experience and infrastructure of outsourced customer service agents.

  • Customers visiting a store’s website with a live chat feature are more likely to buy its products or avail of its services. This is because customer care representatives arm the site’s visitors with relevant information necessary to make the purchase.


  • E-commerce businesses have more chances of making profits with live chat support services as customers inquire about products or services before paying for them. The customer support executives proficient in handling sales calls help customers with requisite details, thus, prompting quick sales conversions.


  • Many customers tend to shop after working hours, which explains the need for having customer support services that work 24*7. Live chat outsourcing takes away the stress of arranging night time hours or round-the-clock support services.


  • Some customers require handholding or added guidance before making bulk orders. Live chat support services can be added support to big ticket-sized customers. Also, a proactive customer care service can relieve the company of bearing the brunt of negative social reviews and customer complaints on public forums.

Why Need ExpertCallers?

Sometimes companies fail to incorporate performance indicators in chat support functions that can impact the quality of service offered. Markers like customer satisfaction indicators or operator response time cannot be ignored. Additionally, in absence of human voice interaction, the scripted replies from representatives may seem mechanical and be misconstrued as a lack of empathy. Chat operators need to go the extra mile in appearing friendly and helpful by keeping the conversation pleasant and empathetic.

The core challenge in implementing live chat support services lies in finding the right balance of technology and the human element, and this is where ExpertCallers steps in!

Who Are ExpertCallers?

At ExpertCallers, we offer a well-rounded chat support service designed to offer tactical and cost-effective solutions to help our clients stay ahead of their competitors. We also prevent visitor drop-outs from your website that helps increase your revenues. We have served all kinds of industries and verticals to understand the nuances of online chat support. We integrate best practices in your chat solutions to help you enhance customer engagement and sales.

Our trained professionals work with clients closely to understand their business requirements. Following the preliminary discussions, our team of chat reps is trained to think from the visitor’s vantage point and provide solutions that answer all their queries in a single chat session. This allows us to handle all kinds of questions pre-emptively and prepare a ready-reckoner that our reps can use at times when they are faced with unusual questions. Besides we are known to add a human touch to mundane live chats that make us a reliable provider of chat support services. 

At ExpertCallers, we work with you from start to finish, offering you a fully customized solution that is scalable as per your business requirements. We can scale the team size as per workload, making it cost efficient to maintain quality services even during lean periods. We are well equipped with the infrastructure and resources to cater to all kinds of businesses.

A Real-life Example of How We Help Companies Breathe Life into Chat Support Functions

Our client is an IT company in the US with years of experience in providing stellar service to its end users. They provide end-to-end IT solutions to enterprises as well as consumers with a promise to troubleshoot their concerns within 30-minutes. This may seem like a tall order but our client had been carrying out its duty efficiently until it planned to add chat support to its repository of customer service options.

The Challenge:

Our client has an in-house team of trained professionals who are already doing great providing on-call solutions and meeting frontend business requirements such as sales, expansion, customer service, etc. However, the need for chat support demands a team of additional resources that can deliver the same quality standards within the stipulated timelines. While our client was ready to take the plunge, they weren’t prepared to invest heavily in hiring new resources and building new infrastructure for this purpose. This is where ExpertCallers stepped in.

The Solution:

As a leading provider of chat support services to global clients, we thoroughly discussed customer requirements, KPIs, business expectations, and quality parameters. After understanding our clients’ requirements, we put together a team of trained and qualified professionals with experience in technical troubleshooting. We trained the resources in chat support functions to equip them with the knowledge and etiquettes to deliver high quality service that matches our client’s ethos.

As a result, the client was not only able to extend their customer service repertoire with our help but also expand their sales, thanks to our teams’ multifaceted skills in upselling their auxiliary products and services.

Why Outsource Live Chat?

Adding live chat support into your business is one of the quickest ways to enhance your customer service abilities. An increasing number of consumers are looking to chat with representatives than wait interminably on calls to get their queries addressed. Not providing this option to your customers can result in loss of business as they will rather work with someone who does!

When you choose ExpertCallers as your live chat support services partner,  you avail yourself of an ecosystem that promotes your business and gives you more visibility online. We take pride in our business model that has evolved with time, taking new trends and business practices into its fold regularly.

Don’t worry if you are struggling with what software to choose or how many reps you must hire to get the chat support going. Just talk to our experts and let us  recommend solutions as per your requirements that will not only fit your business needs but also project demands in terms of resources. From the installation of chat software to training the teams specific to your project, we can do it all. ExpertCallers is a one-stop-shop solution for all your online chat support service needs.

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