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Appointment setting

Appointment setting helps us net prospects for our business. However what matters more is to draw prospects who fit the bill. Such prospects can be converted to customers with ease.  This makes it important to know your prospects better before you set up an appointment with them.  An appointment setting process cannot be successful if done as a random exercise. It can work only if it entails proper and detailed research. The research will throw up lot of insights on your prospects based on which you can fine tune your reach out approach and increase the chances of converting them into clients. Here are the reasons why agents need to know their leads well:

Benefits of Knowing Your Leads Before Setting an Appointment

Appointment setting, as simple as it sounds, is challenging. This is because the calling agent shoulder’s the responsibility of communicating the advantages of the brand in a very small timeframe. An agent armed with adequate knowledge has better chances of succeeding in appointment setting. Here is list of few reasons why:

Avoiding An Awkward Conversation

Appointment setting cannot be fruitful without the agent knowing about the person they are communicating with.  The agents not having a clear knowledge of the same is a recipe for disaster. The conversation will not only be awkward for both, but the agent will come across as being intrusive. This leaves the prospective customer with a negative impression about the brand, and thus reduce the chances of securing an appointment drastically.

Developing a personalized approach

Most industries these days are fast paced where the shopper’s needs and demands never stay still. Technological leaps and sea-changes in people’s lifestyle has caused the consumer behavior to change greatly. Staying abreast of these changes will help the appointment setting agents to understand the prospect’s situation, problem, and requirement better.

With an understanding of these changes in the consumer behavior, appoint setting representatives gain total context on how your brand’s product or service serves the need of the potential customer. This helps the agent in avoiding a generic tone and adopt a more personalized approach in their communication with the prospective customers.

Improving Brand Positioning

Researching a prospective customer helps the appointment setting staff flesh out an ideal customer profile. This profile helps the team to map a strategy, wherein they decide how to position the brand to the customer. It helps them locate and present a pain point which will be instrumental in successful appointment setting.

Here are some points that an appointment setting agent must know about the prospect.

  1. Does the individual really need the product/service?
  2. Why should the lead consider your brand’s offering at the present moment?
  3. How does the brand offering align with the lead’s requirements and pain points?

How Do We Assist You With Our Appointment Setting Services

We help businesses meet their growth and expansion goals with our professional appointment setting services. Out agents have perfected the art of setting the stage for you to convert the leads to sales over the time. They have the necessary ability to engage the leads in a meaningful conversation highlighting the various benefits and features of your product or service.

Our processes are designed to give you the maximum ROI. At the outset, our team spends a lot of time to understand and know your target customers. This helps them to come up with an efficient sales brief. The sales brief is used in conjunction with a database (proprietary or client) to develop a list of prospects.

This list is analysed using our state-of-the art data and intelligence technology. Our calling team then initiates calls to the people on the list. Our callers leverage our customized scripts to ensure a smooth conversation

Based on their responses, our quality team ranks and scores these leads.  The leads that have the qualifying scores are passed on the client. Prior to the appointment, we ensure that we send the data and intelligence report necessary to make the meeting a success.

What set us apart is we give a lot of importance to client feedback. In case the client isn’t satisfied with the quality of the service, we carry out an in-depth analysis of the entire process.

Who Are We and Why Are We Considered as An Industry Authority?

This article is penned by the experts at ExpertCallers. We offer both b2b appointment setting services and b2c appointment setting services to clients across industries such as education, capital markets, banking and financial services etc. Our other outbound call center services include cold calling, lead generation, direct mail follow-up service etc.