Appointment setting

How Can Social Media Marketing be Leveraged to Set B2B Appointments?

appointment setting

appointment setting

The world of B2B marketing is not simple, especially if you’re looking to get leads and appointments. You can use several social media marketing strategies, but it is only B2B appointment setting companies that can truly help your business boom!

Companies offering sales appointment setting services are well adept at the way social media can be leveraged in the B2B industry. However, you should be aware of the process before trusting an outbound service with your business. So, in this article, we will explore how social media marketing can be leveraged to set B2B appointments!

What is B2B Appointment Setting?

While both lead generation and appointment setting are important, the latter is more relevant for B2B. This is because lead generation focuses on reaching out to a large clientele. Appointment setting services, on the other hand, reach out to specific clients who perfectly fit your kind of portfolio of products and services.

B2B appointment setting is the process of reaching out to ideal buyers, walking them through the portfolio of products and services, and determining their interest in the same. An appointment setting is ideal for building a strong sales funnel and getting a higher number of lead conversions.

How Social Media Marketing Works for B2B Companies

The world of B2B marketing is not simple because of the small audience pool you have. Therefore, lead generation and appointment setting become even more crucial to sustain and grow a business. Social media is a powerful tool to get leads. It is essential to get the leads through your sales funnel to set appointments and convert them into buyers. Let’s see how you can leverage it!

1.    Set SMART Goals

Let us break the SMART acronym first:

  • S: Specific
  • M: Measure
  • A: Attainable
  • R: Relevant
  • T: Time-bound

The first step to this success story is knowing what you want to get out of your digital marketing strategy. You need to define if the goal is to just get B2B appointments or you are also willing to increase website traffic or brand awareness.

Your social media strategy should be based on the clientele you are willing to target and the kind of results you are willing to see.

2.    Your B2B Strategy Should be Customer-Centric

When you start marketing on social media, you could either focus on selling your products and services or solving problems for your potential clients. The latter is the best strategy since it has an element that your clients can directly relate to. It highlights the customer-centric nature of your approach.

Even Jeff Bezos always mentions how customer-centric policies work both for B2B and B2C marketplaces. If your social media strategy includes bringing in value to your customers, they’d definitely want to reach out to your brand themselves.

To build a customer-centric social media you should:

  • Analyze your client base
  • Recognize their needs
  • Identify the price they’re willing to pay
  • Build customer personas through the information you’ve assimilated
  • Make posts for these customer personas

B2B enterprises should be using social media to build themselves as thought leaders so that customers can trust your brand. The higher the trust and emotional connection with your business, the more is the possibility of other businesses investing in your product or service.

3.   Stay Consistent

Consistency is a must when you’re building an online audience and setting yourself up as a brand that other brands can trust. It is crucial that you stay consistent in your brand message and its delivery frequency across all the social media platforms. The B2B industry massively works on word-of-mouth. It goes with whatever player is doing the best in the market. Therefore, to stand tall before your competitors, you’ll need to stay consistent.

Your marketing team must build a social media calendar and set up a social media schedule. This ensures that your brand message delivery stays on schedule. This way, your posts will always be on the web at the right time.

Here’s the recommended frequency for major social media platforms:

  • Facebook: Once a day
  • Twitter: 15 times a day
  • Instagram: Once a day
  • LinkedIn: Once a day

Make sure your company stays active on all platforms, not just with posting, but also with interaction and engagement. After all, posting will get you your reach, but it is engagement that will get you appointments.

4.    Reach Your Audience

Goes without saying, if you do not reach your audience, you will not build engagement. Lack of engagement will not get you enough leads to build into appointments. The point of social media marketing is to be social. You need to build relationships with potential customers and prospects. This is where B2B appointment setting services will come in most handy.

Considering the cost, vitality, and research that go into buying B2B products and services, you need to make sure that you engage your audience enough. Through your social media, you should be able to hold their attention, converse with them, and walk them through your sales funnel to set appointments.

5.    Watch Your Analytics

Social media marketing for B2B businesses is especially difficult. This difficulty is attributed to the fierce competition and long sales funnel. Therefore, most B2B social media marketing involves a retrospective approach to the decisions that worked and those that didn’t.

To set appointments, the biggest KPI you should be watching out for is the traffic that is redirected to your website through social media. This is because businesses that visit your website are more likely to be interested in your product or service.

You should also check analytics to see the ROI you get from your social media strategy. After all, if it is not getting your leads and appointments, you need to improvise it on the go.

Summing Up

Social media is a powerful tool if you learn how to use it correctly. However, as a business owner, you must have a lot on your plate. Therefore, it is better to leave lead generation to outbound appointment-setting service providers.

With the help of B2B appointment setting services that specialize in social media marketing, you can rest assured that you’ll always have good business. So, what are you waiting for? Hire appointment-setting companies now!

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