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Many salesmen misuse the ability to contact potential customers by making premature pitches, spamming the system, and otherwise misusing the privilege. This is why many people doubt the viability of cold calling services and wonder whether it should be declared a dead marketing strategy in 2023. 

But here’s the real deal: “Despite the proliferation of other contact channels, cold calling continues to provide positive results in 2023.”  

Phone calls are preferred by 27% of sales teams above other methods when trying to schedule appointments. Additionally, calling is the preferred method of communication for 57% of CEOs and VPs, compared to 51% and 47%, respectively, for directors and managers across different sectors. 

However, as we mentioned earlier, cold calling services may not be as effective if you’re not leveraging the right skill sets and strategy. Let’s discover why it’s still worthwhile to make B2B cold calls in 20223 and the best ways to increase your success with a few tips. 

Want in on some expert data on B2B cold calling? Read 25 Cold Calling Statistics for B2B Leaders. 

What is the success rate of cold calling 

The typical response rate to cold calls is 2%. Although this kind of outbound lead generation has a much lower conversion rate than others, it is worthwhile to include it in your overall sales plan.  Thus, a Sales Development Representative may anticipate at least 2 of every 100 cold calls to become warm leads. 

“B2B cold calling success rates may be increased by as much as 10.01% with the right script. Reaching that number may be as easy as inquiring about the prospect’s day. 

Sales call that begins with letting the caller know how they got their contact, such as “I understand we have a similar LinkedIn group,” see a 70% rise in the likelihood of a meeting. Additionally, including a purpose for the call in the opening line might boost your success percentage throughout the ring by an estimated 2.1%. 

After acquiring a qualified lead, there’s a 20% chance they’ll turn into a sale; nevertheless, it takes an average of 8 phone attempts to contact a prospect. 

How B2B Cold Calling Services Help Businesses 

Making cold calls in B2B sales is an effective way to increase revenue and create leads. It may also be beneficial for B2B transactions when one salesperson at a company doesn’t know another inside the client company that could become a customer.  

When too many businesses to target or many businesses vying for the same pool of leads, B2B cold calling services are frequently used as an alternative to traditional marketing strategies due to their effectiveness over emails and other marketing channels. 

Though time-consuming, B2B cold calling services have been shown to provide excellent results for companies, significantly when 40% of B2B businesses in the US have shifted to contactless sales.  

B2B cold calling services help your company zero in on its ideal clientele, boost conversions, learn more about the industry, and even build connections with prospective purchasers.  

A B2B salesman may tailor their presentation to each business they contact. With a proper corporate study of the target, the sales representative has a better chance of pitching their services as a solution to the problem the target firm faces.

2023 Challenges & Data Analysis 


Your chances of closing a deal on a cold call could be more precise. After all, before making contact, the prospect likely knew nothing about your company. However, following up with prospects after making a cold calling completing them is essential 

According to research, 70% more contacts are made by making at least six cold calls, and 93% of converted leads are reached only after the sixth effort.  

It’s crucial to follow up on a call numerous times if you wish to stand out from other cold calls. This is a great approach to let them know they remain on your mind. But only some salespeople do this. It has been shown that almost half of the salespeople (48%) don’t make a follow-up call, and nearly as many (44%) don’t undertake a second follow-up contact. So, with the right plan and prompt follow-ups, closing a deal is still accessible. Here are a few tips on how to enhance our B2B cold calling.  

Tips to Enhance B2B Cold Calling Services 

If you’re leveraging cold calling services for your B2B business in 2023, you might want to strategize how to make it effective. Here are some great tips for nailing the game of B2B cold calling services. 


One of the most significant benefits of B2B cold calling services over B2C cold calling services is that you won’t have to cold call customers without any information on them and hope they may need your service or product. Researching your prospect can reveal their target market, help hold their attention, and provide value for your product or service. 

Get the Time Right 

Seventy-six percent of salespeople say that closing the deal depends heavily on contacting the prospect at the right moment. In reality, most cold-calling companies understand that Thursday is the most fantastic day to conduct sales calls and that the ideal time to make those calls is between 10 and 11.30 AM and then again at 1.30 PM.  

Use a Script With Personalization 

Use a structured and practical sales script to keep the conversation on track, sound confident, and convey your message concisely.  However, remember that the success of your attempts to recreate such calls will rely on the script and your skill with it. 

Practice Before 

Sales might tank if you botch your cold calls despite having a script. This is where repetition will be the key to reliable cold-calling services. Even seasoned salespeople have setbacks, but by practicing over time, anybody may avoid these pitfalls and prevent any evident client embarrassment. 

Listen To Them 

When making a B2B cold call, it might not be easy to read the prospect’s mood. However, you can gauge whether or not the person you are trying to sell to is in the spirit to hear about your goods by listening carefully. You may hear a prospective buyer’s excitement, boredom, happiness, or anger by listening to their tone and tailoring your sales presentation to their state of mind. 

Pitch the Value 

No matter your price point, you will only make a sale if your target appreciates what you’re offering. Thus, you should always begin the conversation with a powerful opening regarding your service or product and assist them in understanding the advantages.  

Want to learn about some more ways to perfect your cold-calling services? Read 8 Smart Tips to Overhaul Your Cold Calling Services. 

Summing Up 

People mistakenly believe that using cold calling services is obsolete since far too many companies do it ineffectively. B2B cold calling services is a process you can only improve over time and with experience. Although using these suggestions will increase the conversion rate of your cold outreach, hiring a specialist can provide the most outstanding results.  

It would be best to work with cold-calling companies with a strategy that includes the above steps in cold-calling services. We’ve perfected the art of cold calling at Expert Callers for over two decades now. We leverage our highly professional team of callers who understand and are experienced with all the steps needed to succeed in getting you more business.